Progress Update in Chronological Order
July-August 2005
- News Release from Office of David McGuinty MP Ottawa South
- Inventory of Resources at Banff Community
a) classified by lead partners and
b) classified by population groups
- First Progress Review (July-August 2005)
- First Quarterly Review (July-October 2005)
- Problem areas in community Identified by residents
- Announcement by Ottawa Police Services (October 2005)
- Notes on the Community Meetings
A Productive Evening
A true picture of social guidance
Note on January 5, 2006 Community Dinner
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November/December 2005
- Activities Flyer November 2005.
- Criminal code incidents 2004 vs 2005 up to date.
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January 2006
- First Community Newsletter January 2006.
- News Report about No Community Left Behind
- Banff Community House Annual General Meeting and election of new Tenants' Association, January 26, 2006.
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February 2006
- Information Session for the community members was held on February 9, 2006 to address all the questions and concerns raised with regard to their rights and responsibilities and on ways to disciplining kids within the bounds of the law. These questions were noted from the earlier community meetings. Resource Persons: Louise Logue, Race Relations & Diversity, Cedarwood Community Officers, and Mike PRANTCSHE from Children Aid Society.
- Presentation to the Coalition on Community Safety, Health and Well-being - a coalition of influential national organizations which have chosen to collaborate with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police in promoting a vision and “best practices” for the practical realization of community safety, health and well-being. (February 22, 2006)
- Community Newsletter February 2006
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March 2006
- Icebreaking between the youth and Ottawa Police Services (March 08, 2006).
- A two-pronged approach and renewed focus on youth issues (March 24, 2006).
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April/May 2006
- No Community Left Behind model was selected and displayed at Crime Prevention Ottawa Forum April 7, 2006.
- Youth Pizza Party (April 12, 2006): An occasion for youth, Ottawa Police Services and other partners to build trust and open communication channel. 17 Youth from Banff Avenue Community, 2 police officer, 2 Youth workers, and a staff member from Youth Services Bureau participated in the informal meeting that lasted for two hours. A follow up meeting with youth will be held mid-May 2006. The meeting will be facilitated by a staff member from Boys and Girls Club.
- Cst. Lisa Briggs and Abid Jan updated SEOCHC Program Coordination Committee about the progress of No Community left Behind Initiative.
- University of Ottawa is planning to implement a United Way funded Physical Activity program for youth in Banff Avenue Community. So far, the concerned students from University of Ottawa have met twice with parents for their input. The Community Dinners under No Community left Behind have provided an excellent opportunity for the University to conduct focus group discussions with parents. The last meeting took place on May 4, 2006 with a record number of parents showing up since the beginning of the program.
- Community Cleanup day (May 2, 2006). A very successful Community cleanup day was organized by the Community House. Community's participation was beyond all expectation.
- Community newsletter March/April 2006.
- Progress Review from March 21 to May 16, 2006.
- Participation in CPMP 2006 Course.
- Progress Review November 2005-June 2006.
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June/July 2006
- Ottawa Police Service Session with youth from Banff Community
- Community Day invitation for July 20, 2006.
- Highlights from the Community Day 2006.
- News report on the Community Day HTML Version | PDF Version
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August 2006
- No Community Left Behind Phase - II launched
Last year (2005) the Steering Committee met for the first time on August 3 to launch the pilot phase of No community Left Behind initiative at Banff Avenue Community.
This year on August 3, Russell Heights was the second community where we will be taking the initial step in the expansion phase — the Phase II of NCLB. In the expansion phase, launched August 1, 2006, Heatherington, Confederation court and Russell Heights communities are going to be the main partners in implementing the initiative
Confederation Court is already on the way. A successful meeting was held with the Tenants’ Association on August 1, 2006. Another meeting is planned for August 10, 2006. All credit for putting together the Tenants’ Association at Confederation Court goes to Melanie O’Rourke from Ottawa Community Housing. Although the TA is in the very initial stage of the establishment, its members are committed and willing to take on challenges. The TA members have taken on the responsibility for helping in the initial survey in the community, which become the basis for planning and evaluation in the NCLB process.
In the initial steps of Phase-II, a third meeting took place with the Tenants' Association at 1455 Heatherington on August 4, 2006. The Executive body was introduced to the concept of NCLB. They assumed the responsibility fo conducting preliminary survey. The process is already under way.
Initial assessment surveys will be completed in all communities by the end of August 2006. Necessary steps for phase-II (Prioritization and strategic planning) will take place during the month of September 2006.
- Community Trip to Mont Casscades.
Banff Avenue Community Tenants' Association (TA) organized a day-long trip for families to the water park at Mont Cascades on August 14, 2006. A total of seventy-five community members participated in the event. Credibility of the Tenants' Association has now been established. The TA feels confident enough to undertake and organize community development activities on its own.
- Safety meeting at Confederation Court Community House.
An introductory meeting to No Community Left Behind was held at Confederation Court House on August 16, 2006 as a result of increasing community demand for a meeting to discuss safety and security related issues. The meeting was attended by Ottawa Police Service, staff from Ottawa Community Housing and South East Ottawa Centre for a healthy Community. This is becoming a natural evolution of the NCLB implementation process.
- Community Day at Confederation Court community on August 25, 2006, organized by the Tenants' Association.
- Community Day at Heatherington on August 30, 2006, organized by the Tenants' Association.
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September/October 2006
- On September 19, 2006, Councillor Maria McRae, Superintendent Charles bordeleau, Boys and Girls Club ED, Ottawa Community Housing chief of Security, Director Banff Community House, President of the Tenants' Association and others toured the community to go through recommendations of the CPTED audit. Maria McRae has been closely following up with all the concerned departments to implement recommendations of the CPTED audit. Updates are available at this link.
- A presentation on the NCLB approach and progress was made to the excutive meeting of Ottawa Police Service on October 2, 2006.
- Community safety and security surveys have been completed in Heatherington and Confederation Court communities.
- Two security meetings have taken place with confederation Court community's Tenants. OCH, OPS, SEOCHC and South Ottawa legal clinic were the main service providers who attended the meetings.
Meetings with all communities.
- October 10, Meeting at confederation Court
- October 18, Russell Heights Lunch and Chat
- October 26 meeting with Heatherington TA
- October 28 meeting with TA members from 1455 Heatherington.
Partners’ meeting
- NCLB Steering Committee’s working group meeting on October 17, 2006 at Banff.
- Meeting of the Community House directors from Banff, Confederation Court and Russell Heights on October 19, 2006 at Confederation Court Community House.
- Meeting of the Community House directors with Executive Director of Boys and Girls Club at Banff Community House on October 24, 2006.
- A concept paper was prepared to better coordinate youth programs based on the conclusions of the above mentioned meetings. the concept paper was presented at the Steering Committee meeting on October 31, 2006.
- As a result of the strategic planning process a detailed activity plan was finalized and approved in the October 31 SC meeting for implementation over the next six month (Nov 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007). Social Mobilization schedule for the next six months is available here.
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September/October 2006
- Banff Avenue community took the first step towards establishing Neighborhood Watch. The concerned Neighborhood Watch officials met the residents and residents started its campaign to get at least 50% of the residents registered for the program.
- Banff Avenue community's Eid Day celebrations on November 3, 2006.
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October 2006 - April 2007
- 6-month work plan is being implemented in Banff Avenue Community, 1455 Heatherington, Albion-Heatherington, confederation Court and Russell Heights. After an initial slow turn out, residents have started participating in program activities.
- New police officers, Cst. Jason and Eddie have replaced Cst, Mario and Lisa.
- The Tenants' Association and Banff Community House organised a Christmas party on December 25, 2006. This was a good occasion to introduce the new police officers to the community.
- New Tenants' Association was elected in Banff Avenue community on January 25, 2007.
- New Tenants' Association was elected in Albion-Heatherington on January 29, 2007.
- Tenants' Association of 1455 Heatherington held annual General meeting on January 31, 2007.
- Doctors from the children hospital (CHEO) are now regularly attending community dinners at Russell heights. In consultation with the community members, they have prepared a list of health related contents which they would be covering in these out reach sessions. The doctors are planning to expand their outreach to other NCLB program activities in other communities as well.
- Planning has been completed about launching the youth mobilization component of the NCLB initiative.
- Snapshots from a community dinner at Banff on March 29, 2007, which show the level of trust and engagement between the police and the community.
- Mobilised community meets OCH and OPS staff at an NCLB activity in Russell Heights on March 27, 2007.
- Ottawa Police Service staff making a presentation and sharing material about Crime Stoppers to the residents of 1455 Heatherington on April 11, 2007.
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May/June 2007
- NCLB won United Ways 2007 Community Builder award, whcih was presented to SEOCHC on May 31, 2007 in a ceremony at Congress Centre, Ottawa. Read the news report.
- NCLB won Association of Ontario Health Centers EPIC Award 2007 for Community Development. The award was presented at Jun 7-8, 2007 AOHC Conference in Toronto.
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July/August 2007
- Community Haelath and Safety surveys were completed in all the four communites in July 2007.
- Banff Avenue community celebrated its annual community day on August 2nd 2007.
- Confederation Court community visited a local form on August 18, 2007. The Tenants Associated made all the arrangements with the help of OCH and SEOCHC.
- Youth component of the NCLB was launched in all the four communities in South East Ottawa.
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September/October 2007
Launch of Neighborhood Watch
- Neighbourhood Watch has already been established in Banff community. Police Chief and unveiled the sign to officially launch a Neighbourhood Watch on September 29, 2007. The event was well attended and community efforts were highly appreciated. The media gave it a good coverage to further boost morale of the community.
Neighbourhood Watch program big step for Banff-Ledbury, New EMC October 11, 2007
Banner Day for Residents, Ottawa Sun, September 30, 2007.
'The element of fear has gone' Ottawa Citizen, October 1, 2007: Ottawa Citizen
01 Oct 2007
Just two years ago, the idea of a community driven crime-prevention program in Banff-Ledbury would have seemed an impossible feat. Yet on the weekend, residents celebrated the launch of the first Neighbourhood Watch program, parading through the... read more...
- Councillor Peter Hume visited Russell heights community, where the residents informed him of their major concerns. OPS also shared preliminary CPTED audit reports for Confederation Court and Russell heights communities. Specific recommendations of the CPTE study will be shared with Councillor Hume for assistance in implementation.

- Eid parties and community celebrations are scheduled in all the four communities int he last week of October 2007, which will give all service providers an opportunity to join and meet the community members.
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January/March 2008
- Youth Councils successfully completed work on the PhotoVoice project. Their work was displayed at a forum at GCTC on February 20th, 2008.
- For details on other community and youth activities and please browse the latest newsletter and the back issues.
- Youth progress
- Banff 2008 Community Day. August 14, 2008
- Day of Caring at Russell Heights, October 02, 2008 - looking at the event from the community's perspective.