he Steering Committee is required to maximize the chance of No Community Left Behind (NCLB) strategy’s success. A step-by-step process for organizing the Steering Committee has started with an overall vision for a well-functioning and successful Steering Committee.

The core objective

The core objective of the Steering Committee is to maximize output of the resource input by avoiding isolated projects which, despite good intentions, are not sustainable because they are not looped in a chain and integrated with other initiatives for maximum impact. 


NCLB is a collaborative effort among organizations, agencies and community members that care about, or would care about the designated neighborhood. This collaboration is reflected in the Steering Committee, which provides a structure for building a commitment to the NCLB project, identifying areas of greatest community need, coordinating programs and services for local community members and ensuring everyone’s involvement in working toward the same goals.

The membership of the Steering Committee is large and diverse. Individuals from the following key stakeholder groups would be included as members:

1) SEO Community Health Centre

2) Ottawa Police Service,

3) Crime Prevention Ottawa,

4)  Representative from the City,

5)  Ottawa Community Housing,

6)  United Way Ottawa,

7)  Youth Services Bureau,

8)  Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa.

9) Banff Community House.

10) Confed Community House

11) Russell heights Community House

12) Blair Court Community House

The Steering Committee is the governing body for the No Community Left Behind project. It would serve as the highest authority within a structure including subcommittees for the various component areas of the project, r other staff and links to local programs or initiatives that complement the project’s goals and objectives.

The Steering Committee meets regularly to establish the organizational structure, develop a vision for the neighborhood and oversee development of the No Community Left Behind strategy. As the process moves to strategy implementation, the Steering Committee may meet  more frequently as is deemed suitable by members to focus on key areas of responsibility such as developing policies, coordinating subcommittee activities, approving changes to the strategic plan, monitoring progress on goals and objectives and providing leadership and advocacy for the No Community Left Behind strategy.

NCLB Steering Committee

In a nutshell the Steering Committee is: 

  • Providing leadership, guidance, vision, direction, funding &  management.

  • Providing a structure for building a commitment to the project.

  • Identifying areas of greatest community need.

  • Coordinating programs and services for local development.

  • Ensuring everyone’s involvement in working toward the same goals.

  • Committing and delivering resources required to effect real change.

  • Meeting frequently to oversee progress and approve changes.