Who we are

No Community Left Behind was launched in 2005 as a social development initiative with the objective to prevent crime and address social determinants of health through a collaborative approach and integration of services at the neighbourhood level.

Over the past ten years, No Community Left Behind has become a strategy development process at the neighbourhood level in which community development specialists, community policing professionals and neighbourhood activists and almost all concerned service providers collaborate to address factors that lead to communities’ vulnerability, crime, victimization, fear of safety, and social exclusion.

The NCLB strategy development process leads to strategic action vis-a-vis community development, community-partners engagement, exploring opportunities for local development and adopting new ways to building stronger, healthier and safer communities.

Working in close partnership with various other agencies, South East Ottawa Community Health Centre (SEOCHC) has effectively engaged and supported communities to restore their sense of safety and pave the way for effective service delivery. NCLB has now become a core component of the City of Ottawa’s Community Development Framework (CDF) for community engagement at the grassroots level.

Program Area


NCLB is being implemented in several neighbourhoods in the above catchment area. It is not a one-time project; rather, it is a comprehensive strategy that brings all stakeholders in a community together to effect change. There could be many issues that are defined as a problem but can be solved through the collective persistence and responsibility of community stakeholders. Community mobilization would bring together interested stakeholders who develop viable solutions to problems—in itself, it is not the solution to problems.

The process of community mobilization leads to many positive outcomes. When executed correctly, community mobilization can help build a community in ways that building new structures or refurbishing old ones never can. Healthy communities begin with the community members who live in them. Empowering these individuals to engage in the rebuilding of their neighbourhoods is a critical step in promoting healthy communities. In addition to empowering community members, community mobilization processes would help create a vision for the community that serves to focus community members’ energies. Again, one of the challenges of distressed communities is that they often have no vision. As a result, resources may be redirected to other communities that are mobilized and articulate their requirements for further development.

In addition to empowering community members and helping create a vision for the community, community mobilization would have another positive impact: increased capacity for sound decision-making by community members as well as community-based organizations. Community mobilization would have some profound effects not only on the community members but also on the other stakeholders (public and private) who are attempting to serve the community.

Our philosophy

The vision of No Community Left Behind is to keep people well; to enable them to live, work, and raise their families in a safe and prosperous environment.

This vision is achieved through:

- Developing a comprehensive community-based strategy for addressing social determinants of health, while working to address major risk factors that lead to fear, isolation and crime;
Mobilizing community members and service providers to assist each other in addressing the community identified and prioritized problems;

- Assisting concerned service agencies to respond to social/community/health service needs; and
Engaging and supporting community members to participate more fully in neighbourhood planning and decision making processes.

Determinants of health are addressed at the neighbourhood level.  The positive outcomes of this initiative highlight the impact of holistic community based initiative that include multiple partnerships and a balance between broad based and neighbourhood specific planning.


Our experience

What we do?

Social mobilization is one of the core components of the NCLB approach. he steps involved in the community mobilization process are:

  • Securing Resident Commitment and Involvement
  • Encouraging Community members To Help Provide Community Focus
  • Building Community Networks
  • Creating Resident-Led Leadership Structures
  • Leveraging Internal and External Resources
  • Creating Additional Communication Vehicles