Keeping people safe & well

United Way 2007 Community Builder Award for NCLB


EPIC Award 2007


Implementation Guide

for the NCLB Strategy Development Process




Overview of the
No Community Left Behind process

Goals and Objectives
Four Components
Developing the neighbourhood-level Strategic Plan

Phase 1. Organizing the Steering Committee

Implementation Process
Step 1:   Meeting stakeholders to ensure commitment
Step 2:   Creating a Core Group to provide leadership
Step 3:   Ensuring Stakeholders’ Commitment
Step 4:   Determining the Roles and Responsibilities
Step 5:   Developing the Decision-making Processes
Step 6:   Creating an Organizational Structure for Implementation

Phase 2. Neighbourhood Selection

Implementation Process
Step 1:   Comparing Collected Data with Criteria for Neighbourhood Selection
Step 2:   Analyzing the Data
Step 3:   Looking for Indicators of Neighbourhood Potential
Step 4:   Making the Decision
Critical assumptions

Phase 3.  Neighbourhood Assessment

Implementation Process
Step 1:   Assembling the Assessment Team
Step 2:   Sources and Type of Information
Step 3:   Taking a Neighbourhood Inventory
Step 4:   Developing an Asset Inventory Map
Step 5:   Identifying Resources
Step 6:   Resources Inventory
Critical assumptions

Phase 4. Developing Neighbourhood Level Plans

Implementation Process
Step 1:   Assembling the Planning Team
Step 2:   Identifying Resources for Planning
Step 3:   Preparing to Plan
Step 4:   Moving From Community Needs to Critical Priorities
Step 5:   Linking Critical Priorities to Goals and Objectives
Step 6:   Developing the Implementation Plan
Step 7:   Designing a Planning Format for the Local Strategy
Critical assumptions

Phase 5.  Implementation

Implementation Process
Step 1:   Establishing an Organizational Structure
Step 2:   Developing Subcommittees’ Action Plan
Step 3:    Developing Open Communication among All Partners
Step 4:   Establishing a Consistent Procedure for Securing Staff
Step 5:   Developing a Process for Steering Committee and Subcommittee Meetings
Step 6:   Developing a Process for Team Building
Step 7:   Providing Training and Technical Assistance
Critical assumptions
Sustaining Positive and Permanent Changes

Community Mobilization

Implementation Process
Step 1:   Securing Resident Commitment and Involvement
Step 2:   Encouraging Community Members to Help Provide Community Focus
Step 3:   Building Community Networks
Step 4:   Creating Resident-Led Leadership Structures
Step 5:   Leveraging Internal and External Resources
Step 6:   Creating Additional Communication Vehicles
More Community Mobilization Tactics
Critical assumptions

Phase 6. Evaluation

Implementation Process
Step 1:   Identifying a Coordinator and the Other Members of the Evaluation Team
Step 2:   Reviewing the Priorities to Be Measured
Step 3:   Collecting and Analyzing Information
Critical assumptions
Deciding what to evaluate as the first issue
Methodology can be an issue

Appendix 1:  Inventory of Programs by Population

Appendix 2:  Inventory of Partners, Programs and Resources





© 2005-15 South - East Ottawa Community Health Centre
Centre de Sante Communautaire du Sud Est D'Ottawa

Contact: Abid Jan Tel./ Tél: (613) 737-5115 Ext. 2403  Fax/Télé: (613) 739-8199

NCLB matters because neighbourhoods matter