Keeping people safe & well


Minutes of the Steering Committee Meeting

6th Meeting


March 21, 2005, 1:00 – 02:30 pm
Banff Community House 


Sylvie Manser, Director Banff Avenue Community House
Superintendent Charles Bordeleau, Ottawa Police Services
Sue Skinner, South Ottawa Community Legal Clinic
Scott Bradford, Executive Director, Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa
Rey Francis, Councilor Maria McRae’s Office
Mohamoud Abdulle Youth Services Bureau
Michael S. Prantcshe, The Children Aid Society of Ottawa Carleton
Melanie O’Rourke, Tenant and Community Worker, OCH
Matt Perkins, City of Ottawa Parks and Recreation
Leslie McDiarmid, Manager BBBF and Community Services
James Tanguay, Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa
Constable Mario Bergeron, Ottawa Police Services
Constable Lisa Briggs, Ottawa Police Services
Andrew Sparling, Osgoode Veterinary Clinic
Andrea Thompson, Director Confederation Court
Abid Jan, Project Coordinator, NCLB, SEOCHC 


Eileen Dooley, Vice President, Community Services, United Way
James Williams, Board member SEOCHC (Chairman)
Rose Wakeham, Co-Coordinator, Russell Heights Community House 


In the absence of James Williams, Leslie McDiarmid chaired the Steering Committee meeting. She invited a motion for the adoption of the Agenda.  Agenda approved as presented.  


Minutes from January 24y 24th meeting approved as circulated. 


Abid Jan reported that: 

  • The Annual General Meeting of Banff Avenue Community House was held on January 26, 2006. During the annual general meeting elections for the Tenant’s Association were held.  More than 25 percent of the households participated in the meeting. Participation of partner organizations was encouraging. New community members were elected to the Tenants’ Association.  The newly elected members of the TA were meeting regularly.
  • An information Session for the community members was held on February 9, 2006. The objective was to address the community’s questions and concerns with regard to safety and security and parents’ rights and responsibilities as they discipline their children within the bounds of the law. These questions were noted from the earlier community meetings. Resource persons for the session were Louise Logue, Len Vaz, Mark Cartwright, Mario Bergeron and Lisa Briggs from Ottawa Police Service. Michael Prantcshe joined the Information Session as a resource person from Children’s Aid Society.
  • Cst. Mario Bergeron and Abid Jan made a presentation to the sub-committee of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police about the concept, progress and lessons learned from the No Community Left Behind (NCLB) initiative.
  • Community Dinners and after school tutoring activities for youth are taking place as planned. Staff from Ottawa Police Service, Ottawa Community Housing, South Ottawa Legal clinic and Youth Services Bureau joined the community in these dinner meetings for discussion and information sharing with residents of Banff Avenue Community.
  • An meeting of OPS was arranged with local youth on March 8, 2006 to introduce participants to each other and begin trust building.
  • Ottawa Community House trained members of the TA. OCH was also planning to release funding for community activities which the TA had planned in consultation with the community.
  • A meeting with Multi-cultural Liaison officers and Student Counselors was planned.
  • Community Newsletter is regularly published to give community updates about the project activities and share safety tips with youth and parents. 

4.      Partner’s Reports 

Ottawa Police Service

Constable Mario Bergeron presented an update on Police Service activities since the last meeting. He shared enforcement related activities in the local neighbourhoods.  

During the last month, 6 arrests were made and the crime activity in the area had appeared to decrease.  

Mario informed the committee about meeting with youth at Banff and highlighted the need for increased youth participation.  

Mario also discussed the youth meeting that he and Lisa Briggs attended in Russell Heights community. A large number of youth participated and the meeting lasted for more than 2 hours.  

Lisa Briggs updated the committee about the Crime Stoppers and the flyer distribution activity in Banff, Confederation Court and Russell Heights. The initiative was well received in the community. The information material was distributed to every household in these communities. 

Youth Services Bureau

Mohamoud Abdulle reported on activities of the Youth Council. United Way has approved funding for a project submitted by the Youth Council in Banff. 


The committee thoroughly discussed the youth problems and concerns, and the ways to effectively address the core issues. Scott Bradford and James Tanguay from Boys and Girls Club, explained how Youth Services Bureau identifies youth - as doing well, at risk and youth involved in criminal activities — and the strategy required to ensure they have access to the most appropriate program.  

The need for preparing an inventory of resources and partners providing services was highlighted. The committee was informed that a detailed inventory of resources and partners to Banff Avenue community is available at URL:   and . Another comprehensive inventory will be conducted as the project enters into its expansion phase this summer. 

Leslie McDiarmid briefed the committee members about the proposed expansion plan of No Community Left Behind to Heatherington, Confederation Court and Russell Heights in Phase II of the initiative. The proposed Phase II of NCLB was submitted to National Crime Prevention Centre on February 24, 2002 for review and approval. 

Leslie McDiarmid informed the committee about confirmation of another initiative, funded by Heritage Canada. The project is related to community policing and focuses on in-house training with police officers and community leaders on the issue of diversity, multiculturalism, racism and discrimination. Leslie McDiarmid hoped that this project will fit well with Phase-II of No Community Left Behind. 

Decision: Given the lack of opportunity for partners to communicate and interact with community members during the women’s fitness club activity, it was decided to discontinue this activity and redirect resources to Youth Drop-in activities. The fitness activity was primarily planned under the social mobilization component of the NCLB project however, the program did not serve the broader objective of providing mobilization and interaction with partner agencies.  Therefore, the group agreed that  it was difficult to justify continuing this activity. It was felt that supporting the Youth Drop-in would increase the opportunity for youth to interact and build trusting relationships with OPS and other partners. Other the activities will continue as planned. 

5.       Representative of Councilor Maria McRae, Mr. Rey Francis, informed the committee about the Councilor’s tentative plans for a Community Day at Banff.


     6.  Adjournment:  

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. 

Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 16, 2006  
1 p.m.
Location: Banff Community House


© 2005-6 South-East Ottawa Centre for a Healthy Community
Centre du sud-est d’Ottawa pour une communauté en santé

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