Result of Age
Knowledge of the community
8 percent of the respondents have lived in the
community for more than 6 years.
42 percent of the respondents have lived
in the community for more than three years. Together
they form 50 percent of the respondents
respondents who have a good knowledge of present and
past community life.
Perception of Safety
Assessing the
feeling of safety was given priority in the survey.
An attempt was made right from the fourth question
in the questionnaire asking them how safe do the
respondents feel in the community. According to our
findings, 23 percent of respondents feel safe in the
community as compared to 69 percent who
feel unsafe. We find almost the same proportions
among those who feel very safe (4 percent) and very
unsafe (4 percent).
However, in response to the next question, asking
if the respondents felt safer now than two years
ago, 88 percent responded ´No.´
This indicates a shift in perception when community
members are asked to consider their beliefs about
safety over a specific period of time.
Community members felt safer than 2 years ago because they think:
October 05, 2006
· “Two years ago, there were as a lot of gang fights.”
October 05, 2006
· “Because there is not as much trouble.”
October 04, 2006
· “t”
Violent Crimes
Residents were
asked to select their top three concerns from a list
that ranged form violent crime to graffiti. Table 2
below discloses the results to Question 6 on the
survey: Please pick the top three concerns that you
have about your community, if there are any. 88
percent consider drug dealing in their community
as their prime concern following by gang activity
(73 percent) and graffiti (19 percent).
Violent crimes of most concern
The community members took the liberty to add the following the to choices provided about crime-related concerns:
October 06, 2006
· “racialist community centre”
October 06, 2006
· “Community Center racist.”
October 05, 2006
· “Prostitution”
October 04, 2006
· “t”
who felt gangs were a problem were asked to choose
their top three concerns. Responses varied from a
majority of them (77 percent) saying due to gang
activity there is an increased fear for safety, to
69 percent saying it leads to increase in drug
crimes, to 27 percent considering it a source of
public nuisance.
Problems Associated with Gangs
The respondents added the following to the list of problems which gangs pose to the community:
October 04, 2006
· “t”
Why Gangs
The next
question (#8) further probed the respondents to find
out the possible reasons for gang related activity.
The participants were asked to pick three reasons
why they believe gang activity exists in their
community. The response was amazing, as we can see
from the following graph. 19 percent
believed it is due to poverty, where as 81 percent believed it is due to lack of activities for
youth. 27 percent selected family problems
and 23 percent of the respondents indicated that the
involvement of family or friends in gangs was a
factor. 35 percent indicated that the need for
protection was a factor in the existence of gang
activity in their neighborhood.
Reasons of Gang Existance
The respondents added the following to the list:
October 05, 2006
· “Nothing else to do”
October 04, 2006
· “t”
Violent Crime Types
were asked to identify the type of violent crime about which they are most concerned. 15 said Rape is the violent crime about which they are most concerned. 1 said Murder is the violent crime about which they are most concerned. 12 said Gang Related is the violent crime about which they are most concerned.
Crime Types
were asked to identify the types of crime about which they are most concerned. 17 said Prostitution is the crime about which they are most concerned. 5 said Burglary is the crime about which they are most concerned. 6 said Loitering is the crime about which they are most concerned.
The respondents added the following to the list:
October 04, 2006
· “t”
October 05, 2006
· “breaking in”
Risk of getting involved in a gang
In question 13,
respondents were asked if they believed that their
children were in a gang, at risk of being in a gang
or not involved. 62 percent of respondents
stated that their children are not involved with a
gang. 23 percent believed that their
child(ren) is at risk of getting involved. 4
respondents (15 percent) did not respond to this
Times When Residents Are Most Concerned About Crime
were asked to identify the time of the day when they
are most concerned about crime. Later night was
identified as the time when people most fear violent
crime in the study area, garnering a 88 percent
score. However, 19 percent of respondents selected
day time/working hours, substantiating anecdotal
accounts of drug activity occurring in broad
Table 2. Time Residents Are Most Concerned with
Corinthian |
Total |
Percent |
Morning |
5 |
19% |
Working Hour |
15 |
58% |
Evening |
23 |
88% |
Late night
1 |
4% |
Victim of Crime
Resdidents were asked that have they been the victim of crime. According to our
findings, 31 percent of respondents answered 'YES' while 69 percent answered 'NO' .
Tenant Association
Resdidents were asked that are they involved in tenant association. According to our
findings, 12 percent of respondents answered 'YES' while 88 percent answered 'NO' .
Like to be involved in Tenant Assosciation