September 19, 2006: Tour of Banff Community for observation in the light of CPTED audit.
Councillor Maria McRae,
Superintendent Charles Bordeleau, OPS.
Jean Dube, Chief OCH Security
Cst Lisa Briggs, OPS
Cst. Mario Bergeron, OPS
Scott Bradford, ED, Boys and Girls Club
Cst. Lenworth Vaz, OPS
Sylvie Manser, Director Banff Ave Community Housing
Melanie O’Rourke, OCH
Cherlyne Elias, President Tenants’ Association
Abid Jan, SEOCHC
September 21, 2006: Councillor Maria McRae met with the CEO of Ottawa Community Housing, Ron Larkin, on September 21, 2006, to discuss this audit and her expectations that OCHC to immediately implement as many recommendations as possible. Mr. Larkin assured Maria McRae that he would review the audit document and provide appropriate direction to his staff. Maria also provided her feedback to Mr. Larkin regarding some of the observations that she made during the tour regarding garbage, etc. She also asked him to address these issues ASAP.
Furthermore, Maria McRae asked Mr. Larkin, Superintendent Bordeleau, the Deputy City Managers of the City of Ottawa’s Public Works and Services and Community and Protective Services Departments and the Premier’s Office, as a liaison with Hydro One, to formally review the audit document and to provide her with written comments regarding their organization’s role in implementing the recommendations.
October 3, 2006. Hydro One inspected their property and agreed to work closely with the Police and OCHC. Maria McRae’s office was in direct communication with their office in Toronto and inspectors who will carry out the work.
Also, the formal meeting to discuss implementation of the audit will take place within the next 2 weeks.
Maria McRae informed the Steering Committee members on October 3, 2006:
“Further to my e-mail of September 25, 2006, attached herein, I am pleased to advise you that I have received positive confirmation from the Ottawa Police Service, Ottawa Community Housing Corporation, City of Ottawa Community & Protective Services and Public Works Departments and Hydro One that they will work with me to begin the implementation of the recommendations of the CPTED Audit. This means that everyone who I contacted is committed to working on this issue as a team.”
October 6, 2006: Constable Len Vaz met onsite at Banff-Ledbury with representatives from Hydro One and Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCHC) to address the CPTED Audit recommendation relating to dense foliage bordering Hydro One and OCHC property.
The meeting was successful.
Hydro One agreed to remove thick foliage from their property by trimming trees and cutting down scrubs. This will have an immediate impact on the area by opening up the sight lines and creating defensible space. They have also agreed to provide “No Trespassing” signs.
Furthermore, Hydro One will provide OCHC with a formal request to enclose open areas in the fence leading from OCHC to Hydro One property. Maria McRae spoke with Ron Larkin about the fence and he was supportive of the Hydro One request.
October 12, 2006: Councillor Maria McRae met with representatives from the City of Ottawa’s Community and Protective Services Department and Public Works and Services Department, Ottawa Community Housing Corporation, Ottawa Fire Service and the Ottawa Police Service, to discuss implementation of the Banff Avenue Community CPTED Audit recommendations. It is expected that many of the recommendations will be implemented as soon as possible, including the Hydro One work discussed previously.
[Note: Councillor Maria McRae is also working with City of Ottawa staff on a new “Pilot Project” for Banff Avenue Community. Details about this project will be shared with the Steering Committee when available.