Keeping people safe & well

United Way 2007 Community Builder Award for NCLB


EPIC Award 2007


Announcement by Ottawa Police Service

Appointment of two Police Officers for the NCLB


The escalating violence, the drug use, the gang presence, the fear of reporting crime and the apparent lack of trust in police in this community and others have caused us to re-think our approach to the services we currently provide.

Effective next week 2 Police Officers will be assiged full time to work with the Banff Ledbury, Heatherington and Russell Road communities.  We are making a concrete investment in this community with the hope of dividends paying off in the long run. 

They will not replace our Community Police Centre officers, our patrol officers or our Youth Intervention Coordinator, they will enhance the important role these people currently fulfil in our community.  Their role will be to establish a solid relationship with you and the other communities by connecting with the existing networks, meeting with the residents, offer guidance, support, advice, referrals on community issues that requiring police intervention.  We want these officers to be the point of contact for you as we move forward together in building this community. They will work with the housing authority, community houses, tenants associations, youth serving agencies and the South-East Ottawa Centre in addition to working internally with our patrol officers, Community Police Centres, Youth, Gang and Drug Units. 

They will actively participate in providing input to my management team on crime issues facing this community in order to assist us in setting our priorities with respect to crime prevention and intervention strategies. 

 It would make to sense for us to come in and impose crime prevention  initiatives when there are lack of trust issues - so we recognize that we  need to build that trust in order to effectively address crime and disorder issues. 


Charles Bordeleau
Superintendent / Surintendant
East Division Est
at the Steering Committee Meeting October 25, 2005.


© 2005-08 South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre
Centre de Sante Communautaire du Sud Est D'Ottawa

Contact: Abid Jan Tel./ Tél: (613) 737-5115  Fax/Télé: (613) 739-8199

NCLB matters because neighbourhoods matter