Keeping people safe & well

United Way 2007 Community Builder Award for NCLB


EPIC Award 2007


First Progress Review

July and August 2005


South East Ottawa Centre for a Healthy Community (SEOCHC) started working on No Community Left Behind (NCLB) Project in July 2005.  

A summary of its activities is given below and the relevant documents are enclosed as ready reference. A detailed Quarterly Report would follow in the last week of October. 

  • During the Month of July 2005, two studies were conducted in Banff/Ledbury community: one for assessing community’s perception about safety and crime-related issues in their neighborhood and the other for exclusively capturing views of the community leaders about safety and other concerns in the community.  

A summary report of the safety survey has been prepared, which will become part of the overall assessment of the Banff/Ledbury community. The Questionnaires used for the survey are part of the report.  

  • A Steering Committee meeting was held on August 03, 2005 at South East Ottawa Centre for Healthy Community. Participants were introduced to the project and a summary of the Safety Study was shared with them for their comments and further suggestions for improvement. Minutes of the meeting are enclosed which give a summary of the deliberations and decisions taken in the first Steering Committee meeting.  

  • Members of the Steering Committee include the following:  

    Rose Wakeham, Co-Coordinator, Russell Heights Community House

    Eileen Dooley, Vice President, Community Services, United Way

    Sue Skinner, South Ottawa Community Legal Clinic

    Cst. Len Vaz, Ottawa Police Services

    Louise Logue,   Ottawa Police Services

    Inspector Charles Bordeleau, Ottawa Police Services

    Sylvie Manser, Coordinator Banff Community House

    Catherine Dubois, Manager, Community Services SEOCHC

    Abid Jan, Project Coordinator, No Community Left Behind Project SEOCHC 

Absent from the meeting were representative of Ottawa Community Housing and member of Youth Services Bureau, President of the Banff Avenue Tenants’ Association and Representative of Fairlea Community Association.  

Representatives from the City of Ottawa, Parks and Recreation, and the Boys and Girls Club are invited and are expected to join in the next meeting. 

  • Work with the community members and the Community House Director is in progress to prepare a tentative activity plan for the year in the light of the identified needs. 

  • Next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for September 20, 2005, at which the community members will share their views along with presentation of the suggested action plan for guidance and joint action by the respective partners.  

  • The Steering Committee will also deliberate upon the Terms of Reference regarding roles and responsibilities of the committee members.


© 2005-08 South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre
Centre de Sante Communautaire du Sud Est D'Ottawa

Contact: Abid Jan Tel./ Tél: (613) 737-5115  Fax/Télé: (613) 739-8199

NCLB matters because neighbourhoods matter